Naja kaouthia – Monocled Cobra

Naja kaouthia - Monocled Cobra in habitat

Naja kaouthia – Monocled Cobra in habitat

No doubt, the Monocled Cobra, Naja kaouthia is one of Thailand’s most charismatic species, and at the same time one of the most feared snakes amongst the locals. Not strange, as the combination of their potent venom, as well as their speed, and presence close to human populated area, make the chance for an encounter and perhaps a bite from this species a bit more likely.
Still, the Monocled Cobra would preferably choose to flee whenever a person would approach. When cornered it will hiss loudly and form the characteristic hood, which should be a clear enough sign for you to keep your distance. Even though we have no proof of this, it is very likely that most snake bites of this cobra species occur when people try to handle/ try to kill this snake. A snake in fear of its life will do everything to try and survive, and if the threat is too near, that may include biting the ‘attacker’. ALso keep in mind that a snake when you unknowingly step on it, does not know you did this by accident. For the snake it just seems you are attacking it. For those who do not consider themselves ‘field herpers’, it’s highly recommended to keep at a distance and let the snake live, or if it is too close to your home, call a snake resque team to remove the snake from your property. This species is way too dangerous to handle if you have no experience with handling wild snakes.


Dangerous? Very dangerous, bites potentially fatal; fixed front-fanged, potent venom, and a fast agile snake.
Venom Neurotoxic & cytotoxic
Length 1.50m – 2.3m
Diet Rodents, snakes, amphibians
How easy to find Even though widespread, it’s not an easy species to find.
Best time of year They seem to like warm weather. Might be less active in cold months (December/ January). We have seen juveniles from March to well in the wet season.
Best time of day Our sightings have been spread all over the day. Quite a few times even at the hottest time of day. But midmornings and late afternoons seem to offer the highest chance for an encounter.
Threats Human persecution, some restaurants serve dishes based on cobra meat, and road killing victims
Notes: In rare cases, Monocled Cobras are known to spit venom. Though not as successfully as the real spitting cobra species.
Cobra hood with monocle-shape

Cobra hood with monocle-shape


To be continued…

Similar-looking species

Monocled Cobra hooding

Monocled Cobra hooding


To be continued…

Adult Naja kaouthia in Kaeng Krachan

Adult Naja kaouthia in Kaeng Krachan

Range & habitat

To be continued…

Juvenile Monocled Cobra

Juvenile Monocled Cobra


To be continued…

Field herping for cobras

Field herping for cobras

How to find this species in Thailand?

To be continued…

Juvenile Naja kaouthia

Juvenile Naja kaouthia

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